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A Happy New Day!

Shari Strong

Three Things that God May Be Wanting From You

Happy New Day! (3 Things God May Be Wanting From You During This Time)

Are you over this yet?

Feeling alone....even with family around?

A study in the journal SCIENCE showed that people would rather give themselves electric shocks than be alone with their thoughts for just 15 minutes.

But there IS a difference between being alone and feeling lonely.

If you feel lonely, remember or maybe you need to hear for the first time- God cares for you. He knows about your loneliness. Jesus experienced the greatest loneliness of all when he was on the cross. He knows what loneliness feels like.

So, what are a few things God is hoping you may learn from feeling this way?

1. God may be wanting you to work on your strengths and quit focusing on your weaknesses.

If you find yourself feeling unsure about the future, it’s important to focus on what you are good at. When we do that, our confidence builds and then we feel a little more “sure” during the day.

2. God may be wanting you to seek a deeper relationship with him. (I believe that is exactly what he is hoping for from all of us- the ENTIRE WORLD!)

When we are alone and seek after God we will be rewarded. He will give us increased awareness in each moment throughout each day to see how he is with us. Many people report after increased awareness they see increased patterns in life, numbers or how reading an article was in the right exact moment. This kind of awareness does not come without setting apart time to be with God. One of the rewards is a sense of peace and the feeling of NOT being alone.

3. God may be trying to show you that you have more to share with the world.

In "Life Together" Dietrich Bonheoffer wrote about our need for community and being alone. He said, "If you refuse to be alone you are rejecting Christ's call to you and you can have no part in the community of those who are called." He believed in the importance of time alone with God.

During this time with God, we should be asking for guidance, courage to move forward and being thankful that he has given us time to discover or rediscover our purpose in the coming days. Let him know that you trust him to make your thoughts his thoughts and protect you from the enemy taking over our thoughts (An idol mind is the devil’s playground).

God may have to put you and yours in a lonely place for a season, but he makes a home for the lonely. It is not a place to be afraid of or being looking for all the bad reasons why we are here. The truth is- we are never alone. God will never forsake you, but he will transform you if you embrace this moment.

Happy New Day!

“God is with you – wherever you may go and no matter what life brings.”

Joshua 1:9
By Shari Strong June 7, 2020
Happy New Day! One half of the year is gone! Time! Where does the time go? If you just sit and watch a clock for 60 seconds, it can seem to take forever, yet, it is when we are not paying attention to it, that it seems to fly. The question for today is; are you happy and at peace with where you spend your time? Think about this past week or the past three months. It's a great time to reflect and learn. Where did you spend the top 3 amounts of time? Was it being intentional or proactive? Or did you find yourself reacting more often? This can be asked in every area of our life, and especially with our spiritual life. I have found, that many people I have coached or counseled, wonder how they ended up where they are. While life does move forward, many times we are not where we want to be is because we didn’t move forward in lockstep with God's will for us. Sometimes, right actions or good intentions come too late. We must not only do what is right, but also at the right time. We often know the right thing to do in any moment, but we don't trust it or question it. To learn how to trust and obey, we have to spend more time with Jesus. Don't let TIME be an excuse to not spend time with God. Our spiritual growth doesn't just happen. Now is the time! What are you waiting for? Lamentations 3:25-28 “The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. It is good for a man to bear the yoke while he is young. Let him sit alone in silence, for the Lord has laid it on him.” Happy New Day!
By Shari Strong June 3, 2020
Happy New Day! It took all week to think about the Happy New Day message today. Then it hit me. THAT IS THE MeSSaGE! How many times have you wanted something so bad, tried to accomplish something before a deadline , and truly wanted to help someone else before yourself..,to only come up short or fail in the goal? Sometimes, in our quest to do more, have more, be more...the answer to our prayers that day, maybe NO. It's my business to help others accomplish more than they ever dreamed and to see themselves as more than they are today. So, it's hard to tell you that some days...we have to accept where we are, what we have, and understand that you are right where you are supposed to be. Those around you, as well. Maybe for only the moment. But, this day, this moment, is as it should be. Tomorrow, will be as well. So, what should you pray for today even if the answer maybe No? Happy New Day! 2 Cor. 4:16-18 Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and external weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
By Shari Strong June 3, 2020
Happy New Day! As I was replanting plants and transferring cacti to larger pots, this week, I realized the reason I do it. For them to grow larger and more beautiful, their roots need more room. The deeper the roots; the length of their life increases and/or the fuller they become. Isn't that a bit like life? We want more. We want to be more, become more and do more. We want to to be the most beautiful person, or successful, or peaceful, influential, etc. Yet, if we don't transplant ourselves into new soil and surroundings that allow us to grow, we will stay where we are, or worse, die without reaching our potential. The thing that is different between a plant and us one else is going to come and transplant you. IT'S UP TO YOU! God can give you all the tools, guidance and watering you need, but he wants you to open up and allow him to work through you. He wants you to plant your roots with him. And when you allow yourself to take root and let God grow you for the purpose he made you, your potential is the size of a Sequoia, deep as the ocean and as high as Mt. Everest! Make it A Happy New Day! Romans 9:17 I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.
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