On Demand Leadership Programs

Lead Self, Lead Others and Serve

The Program: 

Step 1: Lead Self 


  • -CliftonStrengths Assessment
  • -Introduction to Strengths (Self Guided Coaching Program) (Includes 7 On Demand Modules)
  • -The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership On Demand Course  (Includes 21 On Demand Lessons that follow John's 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Step 2: Lead Others 


  • -Strengths Advantage (Self Guided Coaching Program Includes 5 On Demand Modules where you will learn when to dial up using a specific talent or when to dial back a specific talent)
  • -The 15 Invaluable Laws of Personal Growth- On Demand Course  (Includes 15 On Demand Lessons- One for each Law)

We Use Assessments Customized
For Your Needs and Goals 



Whether we realize it or not, each person has a unique way of communicating … a unique “language” that is their preferred way of expressing themselves. They also tend to “hear” others according to their own preferences, expectations, desires and understanding.

Our tools will help you to identify:

  1. Your communication style
  2. The communication style of others
  3. The best way to adapt to others to communicate effective


“Live Your Best Life” using Gallup's CliftonStrengths! This assessment will help you recognize your talents, build them into strengths and we help you  learn how to apply them. You’ll explore your Top 5 God-given talents and learn how to use them to maximize your potential.
Only 1 in 33.5M people have the same Top 5 Talents as you, in the same order!
God really did design you uniquely!

Decision Making

As an individual, you view the world through filters based on your experiences, values, and assumptions — they either limit what you see (like tunnel vision) or expand it (like a prism). You've most likely unconsciously developed these filters throughout your whole life and they significantly impact how you perceive things. This ultimately affects how you show up in different situations and could even be holding you back from realizing the full potential in yourself, your life, and your career.

What if you could discover your filters and assess how they’re influencing the results you're achieving? That’s precisely what iPEC’s Energy Leadership Index™ assessment (ELI) accomplishes. It’s an attitudinal assessment, not a personality-based one, and it puts a numerical value to the types of energy a person experiences and expresses:

Level 1: Feeling lost. Stuck. Lack of choice. I can’t. I have to. Fearful.
Level 2: Anger. Combativeness. Resisting or fighting energy.
Level 3: Rationalizing. Fine. Coping.
Level 4: Care. Compassion. Service to others.
Level 5: Reconciliation. Win-win. Solution-focused.
Level 6: Intuition. Creative genius. Visionary.
Level 7: Absolute Passion. Non-judgment. Oneness.

Eliminate Distractions

With This Information, You Can 

  • Learn To Create A Flawless Idea

  • Learn To Create Deliberate Magnetic Focus

  • Learn To Initiate Optimal Human Performance

  • Learn To Discover Your Boon (your Ultimate God given Purpose)

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